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Across borders, languages, and denominations



Shincheonji Online Seminar 2021

The Book of Revelation fulfilled after 2,000 years

On October 18, 2021, a two-month seminar titled "Testimony of the Prophecy and Fulfillment of the Revelation of God's New Covenant" was held.

As a witness who has personally seen and heard the fulfillment of the Revelation, Chairman Man Hee Lee openly revealed the prophecies and their fulfillment through the seminar series held worldwide. The seminar series unveiled the fulfillment of Revelation's prophecies, which had remained a mystery to the churches until now.

The seminar began with Chairman Lee's lecture on Revelation 1, and was followed by lectures on the entire book of Revelation delivered by the twelve tribe leaders. The lectures were taught clearly and effectively, which greatly pleased the pastors and congregations who had been searching for the truth.

Shincheonji Online Seminar 2022

Revealing the secrets of the kingdom of heaven and the 66 Books of the Bible

In response to popular demand from pastors and congregations, the Zion Christian Mission Center released its introductory- and intermediate-level courses as seminars on YouTube in 2022.

The introductory-level seminars covered the secrets of the kingdom of heaven and their fulfillment, which were revealed by Jesus through parables 2,000 years ago.

The intermediate-level seminars testified to the revelation of the Old and New Testaments by chapter, providing a detailed explanation on the prophecies and their fulfillment.

These seminars provide the basic and essential knowledge needed to understand the prophecies and the fulfillment of Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

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Senior Pastor, The Messengers of God International Ministry

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Interview with Overseas Pastors

A series of Shincheonji online seminars were systematically conducted and testified for about eight months, from October 2021 to June 2022.

Pastors thirsty for the truth in the Book of Revelation and the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven expressed their gratitude and gave heartfelt testimonials.


What was your most impressive part of the Revelation seminar?  

The most impressive part was on the passage (Rv 1:10-20) which shows how John delivered the testimony to the churches after he has seen the Lord on the Lord’s day and has heard His voice in the Spirit. It was so amazing that these words are being fulfilled and testified today.


What motivated you to attend the seminar, and

how has your perspective on the book of Revelation changed since then?

Until now, I assumed that only the Old Testament had been fulfilled. But after listening to the Revelation Seminar, I learned something new: 'The New Testament prophecy, the Book of Revelation, is being fulfilled now and we can see it with our own eyes.' I pray that I can see and know this fulfillment. The Revelation Seminar has given me a clear path to God, and I am so grateful for that.


How are the Bible studies that started with the "Gospel Exchange MOU" with Shincheonji going with the members of your church?

The Bible study content delivered by Shincheonji during our meetings has consistently surprised and delighted me and the members of our church. As a minister, I have always felt the burden of nurturing the saints with the Word, and I am grateful for your presence in helping me share it. While many churches seek physical blessings, what we needed was the Word of God. We believe the teachings of Shincheonji have been a true blessing for us. I cannot express the joy it brings us, and our church and its members stand united with you. We are one!

Agape Ministries Bethel Church

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What motivated you to attend the Shincheonji Online Revelation Seminar?

The Bible has prophecy and fulfillment, and the book of Revelation is a prophecy that is fulfilled at the Second Coming of the Lord. God always fulfills what He promises, so I wanted to see the physical reality of Revelation fulfilled today through the seminar.


Have you shared, or do you plan to share the Word of Revelation you heard at the seminar with your congregation? If you have already shared, what was their reaction to it?

Through the training course at Zion Christian Mission Center in Tanzania of Shincheonji, I am learning what is needed for the congregation. I share what I have learned with them during Sunday services. After learning the word, I am delivering to them about what era in the Bible we’re living in, what the parables of the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven are, and the prophecies in the Bible and their fulfillment. The congregation is amazed to learn new things they never knew before, and they are eager to learn more.


How would you like to interact with Shincheonji after the seminar?

Currently, we are providing church venues and facilities for pastors in the Kikamboni region who have signed Gospel Exchange MOUs with Shincheonji to help them watch the Shincheonji Online Revelation Seminar in a seamless network environment. In the future, we plan encourage more fellow pastors and their congregations to sign MOUs so that they can systematically follow the Zion Christian Mission Center's training courses. 

"The seminar has helped me to realize the importance of Revelation in this age. We have been teaching Revelation differently, but going forward, we need to teach Revelation in accordance with what it says - that the new heavens and new earth are a reality."

Pastor from Uganda



One God, One Bible!

Pastors from around the world are awakening to the truth that Heaven, God, and the Word are one through the testimony and preaching of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' online seminars.

At present, pastors and theology students from all over the world are attending the "Shincheonji Online Seminar" to confirm and understand the theology of Revelation and are pledging to become one with the Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

As a result, 198 churches in Korea and 3,760 churches in 75 countries overseas have signed MOUs with the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and committed to receiving follow-up education (as of January 2023).

God is one, Jesus is one, and the Bible is one.

We aspire for a world of love and peace, free from conflicts and disputes, through faith based on the Bible.

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Pastors Around the World Inspired by the Gospel of Revelation!

Why would pastors from around the world, across borders and languages, and from different denominations, want to sign an MOU with Shincheonji Church of Jesus? Check out their messages of gratitude and hope!

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"I am glad that I can learn a lot of necessary knowledge for pastors through Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Through this MOU, I can learn the right Bible verses and knowledge, which will help my church grow. After the training course, I hope to spread the word to other pastors and the community."
Pastor from South Africa
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"I signed the MOU because I realized that not only I would be able to benefit from it, but also share what I had learned with my congregation. I have learned and grown in my knowledge of the Bible more than I have ever known before, and it is a unique opportunity for pastors who sincerely want to learn the Bible but have not been able to due to financial difficulties."

Pastor from the Philippines

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"The reason I signed an MOU with Shincheonji Church was that I did not understand the Word correctly, and I needed help in understanding and teaching God's Word. I would encourage all people who believe in God to come to Shincheonji to learn the Word and discern truth from untruth. I would also tell all pastors that it is right in God's sight to realize the Word of God's truth correctly through an MOU. This has helped me and will help all pastors."

Pastor from South Africa

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"I feel that I am growing spiritually every time I realize the secret of Jesus' Second Coming. Through the signing of the MOU with Shincheonji, I will also teach the congregation what I have realized. I think this is an opportunity for our church to experience continuous spiritual growth."

Pastor from Uganda



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