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Churches Around the World Confirming the Revealed Word

MOU 현황


Churches that have become the fulfillment of Passover,
signing to form denominational affiliation

Jesus promised that the fulfillment of the prophecies in the book of Revelation would result in the Passover moving to a place of salvation after hearing the word of life (Ex 12, Lk 22:14-20).

Today, we are experiencing a spiritual Passover, which entails moving from a place where the word of life is absent to a place where it is present.

In light of this, pastors who have recognized the significance of the New Covenant Revelation prophecies and the reality of their fulfillment have become the embodiment of the Passover by preaching the revealed gospel of the Shincheonji Church to their congregations.


Pastors worldwide who have signed an MOU with Shincheonji Church of Jesus are now replacing their church's signboards and joining Shincheonji Church of Jesus as members. 

Notably, 144 churches across 14 countries, including 33 in Madagascar, 30 in Uganda, and 14 in India, are actively participating in gospel exchanges with Shincheonji Church of Jesus with the sole purpose to nurture their congregations with the revealed word (as of January 2023).



Signboards change to "Shincheonji"

as churches worldwide confirmed the revealed word

체결 소감


"I found a church that clearly teaches the Word of God!"

Churches, seminaries, and pastors from around the world who have acknowledged the prophecies and fulfillment in Revelation are now signing an MOU to affiliate with Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Check out their testimonials for yourself!

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Dean, AG Theology School / Odisha, India

"I have trained thousands of pastors and was proud of my faith, but now I will repent of my wrong path of faith and teach the word of truth to lead the people of Odisha to heaven."

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Pastor, Faith Churc/ Andhra Pradesh, India

"After learning the revealed words from Shincheonji Church of Jesus, I was persecuted by my fellow pastors as a heretic, but I was called out to follow the Word by discussing it based on the words of Revelation, not on the standards of men. Today, 106 of my fellow pastors have asked me to educate their 3,162 members with the revealed word."

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Pastor, BJM Church & Bible College / Pakistan

"113 fellow pastors and evangelists have signed MOUs, and more than 600 members of my church are learning this revealed word. In the future, I will endeavor to bring more than 20 other local BJM churches, including the Bible college I run to become part of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji Church of Jesus."

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Pastor, Shalem Ministry Church / Andhra Pradesh, India

"Right up until the day our signboard was to be changed to Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, I was so impatient that I handwrote and pasted a sign under the podium of our church stating that our church belongs to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. It is the greatest blessing to be able to minister in the name of the temple promised in the Bible instead of a church name built with the rules of men."

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Pastor, Living Hope Church / Telangana, India

"In the Suryapet region, where I work, we have gathered 1,400 pastors for a seminar with the support of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. We have also signed MOUs with 100 pastors who are learning the Word together. We will open Zion Christian Mission Centers in three regions."

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Pastor, World Mission Power Salvation Church / Mwanza, Tanzania

"After understanding the words of revelation and passing over, I confessed that I could not give salvation to the saints and that they must learn the words of revelation in order to be saved. In the future, I will resign from my current ministry as a pastor and devote all my energy to evangelism with an obedient heart as a member of Shincheonji Church of Jesus."



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